Day 2

Day 2

Inspire people…


FOOD: of the day! is Turkey Tacos! {}

Mexican Turkey Taco Salad


Work out of the Day (WOD)

Tuesday Callisthenic endurance

1. 2 rounds: 200m run, 10 pullups/pushups/situps/squats, psoas/QL SMR, T spine roll out/lax ball 2”,  lax ball on plantar fascia, calves, hamstring mobility 15-30/side, anterior tibialis SMR, quads/glutes SMR

(take 20-25 minutes and work through mobility)

2. 2 minute max effort


1 min rest


1 min rest


1min rest

*for pullups, 2 scores: count a MAX UB (as long as you hang from bar) then count a total in 2 minute window.

3. 4” each side Couch Stretch

Rebuke satan and his demons to their evil dirty filthy hell.  Enjoy the LOVE of GOD's glory which guards you always and for eternity.   LOVE JESUS CHRIST the beautiful savior as much as he adores and loves you.

“the Lord will fight for you; you need only be still” – exodus 14:14

Day 1 of 100

Hi, let me start off by introducing myself…my name is Tierra Ashton. The name TheHeartCloset came from an idea I had to begin a non-profit organization and the name has just stuck. I love it and I still hope to one day establish the non-profit. But until then…you’ll learn more about me as this goes on 🙂


YOU can become better physically (athletically) 1% for 1 everyday…So having said that i thought to myself, WHY NOT START A 100 day challenge to better myself 100%!!!?!??

If I can better myself in the fitness spectrum, why not apply it to the mind and spirit? In hopes of becoming a more well rounded person…

Things I WON’T be doing:

  • giving up red wine
  • preaching on how to be skinny
  • making up a fad diet
  • PREACHING at all!
  • showing you how to become RICH
  • showing you step by step workouts

Things I WILL be doing:

  • drinking red wine…in moderation
  • aiming to be healthy not skinny
  • I eat clean so I’ll just show you what I do…PALEO is a good way of eating!
  • passing on inspiration
  • I’m not rich! I’ll share ways to budget as I go along.
  • Share my daily activity. How I “fit” Fitness into my life. I love crossfit and cardio!


Day 1 Workout: (Crossfit) I got to crossfit Ruston


1. 40 calories on Rower/Airdyne, PNF squat stretch, Barbell on shoulder 10-15/side, Ham mob 15-30/leg

Hip opener as needed in between warm-ups. Perform psoas SMR w lax ball before deadlift.

Back squat 1×10 light, 1×3 heavy

2. CF Total




*make three attempts at each lift (after warmup sets), know your weights based off previous lifting days and your notebook.

* finish each lift

{If you every have questions about how to do workouts or what the abbreviations mean you can go to }

Don't wait until everything is perfect...that day will never come. Do what you can with what you have and get started!